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Door Systems Blog

Rolling Fire Door Inspection Checklist

February 9, 2021

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The IBC, a part of the International Code Council (ICC), which is the leading source of codes, standards, and building safety solutions worldwide, promotes adherence to NFPA 80 through The International Fire Code (IFC).

Fire door inspections are required by most states The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) is a global organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical, and related hazards. Installing a rolling fire door at your business premises is a significant step towards ensuring the health, safety and productivity of your organization. However, the fire door assembly and installation is not the end of the journey. Your door will need to be inspected on an annual basis to make sure it is in full adherence with all laws and best practices applicable to your industry and your area, as well as with the National Fire Protection Association's NFPA-80 regulations.

Rolling fire door inspections and drop tests need to be carried out by a professional with the right level of qualification and accreditation. This personnel will be able to carry out a comprehensive inspection of your door and make sure that it is up to code. 

But this doesn't mean that you and your team do not have a part to play here. If the inspector finds that your door does not meet the appropriate standard for your industry or your jurisdiction, you may find yourself having to foot the bill for costly repairs. You may also discover that your business premises are not able to operate until the issue is put right, resulting in seriously expensive downtime.

To help keep your premises safe and your company operating within budget, take a look at this checklist and make sure that your rolling fire door inspection will end well for your business.

Rolling Fire Door Inspection Checklist

Rolling door mechanism components

Links, cables or chains

  • Connections: All connections need to be in working condition and should be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications and design. There are a number of different types of connections, and an accredited inspector will be able to assess each one as applicable.
  • Release mechanisms: The door release mechanism should be in good working order, with no damage or dirt that may cause it to malfunction.
  • Chains and cables: Chains and cables should be assessed to make sure they are running freely, with no pinching or twisting. They should not be excessively dirty with grease or other contaminants, and they should not be painted.

Rolling door slats

  • Missing slats: All of the rolling door's slats should be in place so that the panel can function as intended when closed. Doors are tested before they are made available for sale, but missing slats reduce the door's rating.
  • Damaged slats: Slats that have become damaged, either through impact or from another source, can also reduce the rating of the door, rendering it unfit for purpose.
  • A buildup of dirt or grime: Dirt or grime could potentially reduce the functionality of the door and will need to be taken care of accordingly.
  • Any blockages: If there are blockages between slats, or at the top or bottom of the door, this can cause a hazard.

Other components

  • The inspection needs to cover the whole of the rolling fire door, so all of its components will need to be checked. Make sure that none of the following items are damaged, malfunctioning, or missing:
  • The rolling door's hood
  • Guide rails or similar
  • The door's bottom bar
  • Smoke alarms or other sensors
  • Any other components listed in the manufacturer's specifications

Rolling fire door area

  • Access to the door: The door area should be free from items or obstacles so that it easily facilitates exit in an emergency. 
  • Opening and closing capability: There should be nothing that is blocking -- or that may block -- the door as it opens and closes. Blockages like this can damage the mechanism and may cause a serious hazard to health and safety.
  • Activation devices: Devices designed to facilitate opening and closing of the door should not be blocked, damaged, or malfunctioning in any way.

General checklist items

  • Manufacturer information: The manufacturer and make of the rolling fire door need to be clearly displayed on the door itself so that the right replacement parts can be found when required and the right returns can be carried out. This may be attached to the door via a label.
  • Testing information: The name of the accrediting inspector and tester must be displayed clearly on the door itself, via a label or another attachment.
  • Testing and inspection records: The door's record of testing and inspection must be available. This does not need to be attached to the door itself but needs to be kept in a place that is easily accessible when it is required. 
  • Repairs: The inspection should cover repairs, making sure that these repairs have been carried out using parts either produced by the manufacturer directly or authorized by the manufacturer.
  • Repair records: Records of repair must also be easily accessible. These do not need to be attached to the door itself.

Choose the Right Professional Team to Handle Your Rolling Fire Door Inspection

You need to make sure that your rolling fire door inspection is being carried out by the right team -- a team with the professional approach and industry certifications needed to provide peace of mind, as well as full regulatory compliance and health and safety for all personnel.

This is where we come in.

We provide fire door inspections that help you to stay safe and protected, while also avoiding lengthy downtime for your business. These inspections involve a full visual and operational assessment from our expert technicians, followed by testing and finally certification.

Our team attaches a Fire Door Certification Tag to each door that meets the NFPA-80 standards and provides your team with a copy of our fire door inspection and drop test results. Make sure you keep this readily available on your business premises as proof of your testing success.

We'll follow up our testing with an annual check-in. This is where we schedule your next rolling fire door inspection and drop test service. In order to stay compliant, these tests need to be carried out each and every year, and we will help you achieve this with our annual service.

Reach out to our team today. Don't risk non-compliance with NFPA-80 -- simply give our team a call and let us make sure you are fully up to code.